materials and methodology enable the majority of its students to achieve a stable
drug-free, productive, ethical life. A fundamental premise of the Narconon program,
known and used by all its staff and students, is that stable recovery is achievable.
This result is not achieved without effort. Narconon students are brought to understand
that they will achieve a drug-free life only if they use the knowledge and life
skills they are learning. A vital part of achieving this goal is developing a
realistic, workable sense of personal ethics and responsibility. Personal addiction
to drugs can be ended. Our statistics show that a majority of our graduates have
achieved this freedom. Narconon International and its centers are constantly working
to improve their success rate.
"Addicts characteristically subordinate values such as work, family relationships,
and community responsibilities to the ingestion and unwise use of alcohol and/or
drugs. Social neglect and criminal behavior are frequent companions of drug abuse
and alcoholism. Efforts to develop a functional normative system, as it is done
by Narconon, should result in favorable outcomes. Narconon has demonstrated that
this redefinition of the normative system of addicts is possible to implement
with empathy, compassion, and respect for the addict.
Alfonzo Paredes, M.D.
Dr. Paredes, board certified in Psychiatry and Neurology, is a Professor of Psychiatry,
UCLA School of Medicine. He graduated the University of Mexico School of Medicine
in 1951, interned at St. Joseph Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, and did residencies
in Psychiatry at the University of Kansas, University of Maryland and University
of Oklahoma. He is a member of dozens of different professional organizations
and regularly reviews peer publications in addition to having contributed more
than 100 articles or studies of his own. To read a review of the Narconon program
by Dr. Paredes, see A Drug Abuse Experts Perspective

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