of a Presentation Made to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Presented by David R. Root, MD., 1989
David Root is a physician specializing in occupational medicine with a private
practice in Sacramento. California. He has treated numerous patients who had accumulated
lipophilic chemicals through occupational exposure, using the method of detoxification
developed by Hub-bard. In the course of his work, he has also treated approximately
75 drug abusers with this detoxification program. He recently reported the results
of a follow-up study of these drug abuse patients at the annual meeting of the
American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
The long-term success rate for drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs is not
extremely high. Abstinence from drugs for 2 years after undergoing rehabilitation
treatment by 30% of the patients is considered quite acceptable. This means that
70% of the patients are not succeeding in staying off of drugs. Such a recidivism
rate is cause for deep concern. One hypothesis is that a hidden cause of recidivism
amongst drug abusers is the presence in their bodies of residual levels of drugs
and their metabolites. This led to the proposition that removing these compounds
from the body would assist in the recovery of the drug abuser.
One program documented to reduce levels of fat-stored xenobiotics is the detoxification
method developed by Hubbard. This program was originally developed to assist in
the recovery of drug abusers. The program aims to mobilize and eliminate fat-stored
xenobiotics. We have treated drug abusers using this detoxification procedure
as the chief component of a drug rehabilitation program.
program consists of the following components:
- Initial
- Drug
withdrawal (no drugs are administered).
- Detoxification
with the Hubbard method.
- Stress
handling as required.
- Follow-up.
In the initial interview, the particular needs of the patient are assessed. We
refer patients who are addicted to either crack cocaine or to heroin to facilities
better able to meet their needs. Drug withdrawal is medically supervised. Drugs
are not administered during this step. The patient then undertakes the Hubbard
detoxification program. This program lasts for about 30 days. During this phase
it sometimes becomes apparent that other factors are reducing a patients
ability to stay off drugs. In such cases, stress handling is added to the program.
The patient identifies those factors or individuals which encourage his or her
drug use and works out a program to handle such factors so that they no longer
cause him to use drugs. We actively follow up each patient to make sure that he
or she is able to stay off of drugs. We have been delivering this program for
5 years. Recently, we conducted a follow-up interview of all available patients
to assess the long-term efficacy of this program.
29 men and 15 women were contacted. Their average age is now 34.2 ± 9.7
years (Range 17 - 73 years.). The average number of years in school was 14.1 ±
2.4 (range 10 - 22) years with an average income of about $30,000/year.
Drug use had started in these patients at an average age of 16.6 ± 5.1
(range 8-30) years. 27 of those interviewed had used drugs greater than 10 years
at the time of treatment. None had used drugs less than one year, three had used
drugs I to 3 years and the balance from 4 to 10 years.
At this follow-up interview, 41 of the 45 interviewed (91%) report that they are
currently off of drugs. Alcohol was used socially by 22 of those interviewed but
none of these reported heavy or uncontrolled drinking. The individual who had
undertaken the program specifically for alcohol abuse reported that he no longer
used alcohol.
A table of pre- and post-treatment drug use follows. Improvement in drug-abusing
behavior was seen for all types of drugs monitored. Those still using drugs are
currently using less powerful drugs than they formerly used.
38 |
22 |
39 |
3 |
36 |
0 |
32 |
0 |
25 |
0 |
8 |
0 |
OPIATES | 14 |
0 |
13 |
0 |
8 |
3 |
Another way of monitoring the effectiveness of the program is by the number of
drugs used by individuals before and after treatment. The average number of drugs
used by individuals dropped from 4.7 different drugs before treatment to 0.6 after
treatment. Alcohol was still used by all of those reporting drug use after treatment
while four individuals reported using additional drugs.
At this follow-up interview, patients were asked about their current family relationships
as well as their drug use. 23 reported that their family scene was much better,
14 said that it was better, 7 indicated that ii was about the same and I did not
answer. None of the patients stated that their family scene had worsened since
Work situations had also undergone change in some cases. 31 were already holding
steady jobs prior to treatment. Following treatment, this number increased to
38. The number working inconsistently dropped from 6 to 3. The number who did
nothing went from 5 to 1. The number of students remained the same. Of note, the
one individual who supported himself through criminal activities prior to treatment
now worked a steady job.
These patients opinions of the program were quite encouraging. 29 rated
the program as very positive with another 13 rating it positively. 3 were indifferent
and none were negative. Of the 45 surveyed, 39 have recommended this program to
In sum, over the last five years, patients with drug abuse problems have been
treated with the Hubbard detoxification program, aimed at removing fat-stored
xenobiotics. These patients have been assessed by personal follow-up interviews
for ongoing drug abuse and social parameters. The reported rates of recovery from
these patients are quite high, with 91% of those interviewed reporting no ongoing
drug abuse.
data support the hypothesis that a hidden cause of recidivism amongst drug abusers
is the presence in their bodies of residual levels of drugs and their metabolites.
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